Monday 5 May 2014

T'av in the Baxtal

Haj, haj, in Devlin, Devlin kerdyo my sou.
Pala, in Devlin, Devlin'm matilyo to.
T'av, the t'av in the baxtal, is bare haji A thickener is, Murro of Trajo a luludy of the RATY.
Haj (de), romnyej, romnyej te Zhasta,
The unique ta ta gilyabas pijas haj.

Damen adyes te trajisa to Devlin, the
La hurde, bare of dikha ke te.
Damen to Devlin, Devlin in the sastip,
La la xurdorr romnyak of the haj.

God, What have I done,
Again, Lord, I've become drunk
May you be lucky, grownups and children, My life is like a flower in the night.
Come, woman, let's go,
To eat and drink and sing.
Give me, Lord, to live today,
So I may grow up to see the small ones.
Give me, Lord, good health,
For the women and the children.

Monday 1 July 2013

Romani adjectives

Anglicko, baro, baxtalo, bikucime, bongo, bulyho, bu, cerra, chacho, chorro, cino,  drago, galbeno,  kalo, kaver, kerno, khor, kindyilo, kingo, K cont,  kucime, lasho ,  lolo, zelen